Wednesday, August 17, 2011

kenapa perlu marah-marah?

panas baran. sifat yang cukup huduh. sifat yang huduh ni wujud untuk menguji tahap kesabaran manusia yang tak berape nak sabar ni. asyik2 nak bagi amukan puaka. keluarla segala perkataan dan perbuatan yang huduh. huduh tak? huduh kan?

admit it, you could not tolerate too. every time some people throw their tantrums aimlessly, it looks as if their brain is located at their armpit. no, i'm serious. kenapa perlu marah-marah? come on, pujukla skit kemarahan tu. banyakkan istighfar. amik wuduk ke. takpun, kalo rase nak amuk juga gi duk sudut mane2 sorang2 dan layanlah emosi tu. no one will get hurt kan?

p/s: anger is always followed by stupidity and accompanied by regrets. 

love always,
ruhil nadiah~ 


  1. well..sometimes, when we are in anger, we forget everything that comes in between. We WILL forget how to cool down, to istighfar, and starting to do things we regret late. I personally feel that 'the victim' should help by being totally positive and supportive. Just sedekah a doa for the person whom is actually in the stage of anger on the spot.. Insyaallah the person will come to his/her senses. :)

  2. org marah2 selalu rugi.

    thanks for following mine babe!
