Friday, November 11, 2011

mellow weekend

my weekend gonna be kinda mellow.
my fiance and his friend went to Medan
for short 'honeymoon'. without me. yucks.
hahaha. hope all is well there. i pray to
Allah to grant him safety. amin.
and i really hope he spend his leisure time to the fullest.
have fun, love. ruhil loves you.

there he goes with the fake smile. lol. (taken somewhere in Medan)

ps/ missing you already. 


  1. omg ruhil you blog!?? yay! ima follow you now! (if you like my blog, come follow me too!) - hehehe. and love the cutesy font you choose for the posts!! XD keep writing ruhil. i kinda miss your honesty in writing!

  2. oh my, nani~~ thanks.. it's nothing really. just random words.. but i will try to write more~ and by the way, miss your writing too, dear~ =)
